
Dr. Muralisham H
Assistant Professor
Dept of Jyotisha
Govt Sanskrit College Thripunithura 682301
Ph : 7907181923


भारतीयकालमानपद्धतौ चन्द्रस्फुटाय बहुप्राधान्यं विद्यते। चन्द्रस्फुटप्राप्तये अनेक प्रकाराः सन्ति । तेषु शुद्धदृग्गणितानुसारेण अपि ज्ञातुम् शक्यम्। अतः शुद्धदृग्गणितानुसारम् चन्द्रस्फुटविज्ञानप्रक्रिया अत्र लिख्यते।

Determination of the Exact Position of the Moon (Chandrasphuta):

In the Indian system of timekeeping, the precise position of the Moon (Chandrasphuta) holds significant importance. There are numerous methods to determine the Chandrasphuta, among which the method based on accurate observational calculations (Shuddhadrikganita) is also feasible. Therefore, the process of determining the Chandrasphuta according to Shuddhadrikganita is outlined here.

To find the Moon’s speed movement (चन्द्रगति प्राप्तिः) using the given method, we need to follow the steps systematically.

 Finding the Kalidinaकलिदिनप्राप्तिः।

कोलम्बवर्षाहतमातलीस्यात् कोलम्बतो धूलिहृतैर्नयघ्नात्

दिनैश्च सेनानगूढयानैनैर्यातोच्चवारात् कलिवासरोघौः।।

शुद्धदृग्गणितम् श्लो सं -1

Meaning- कोलम्बवर्षा- kollam year; आहत-multiplied; मातली-365; कोलम्बतो from kollam era

नयघ्नात् -ंx10, धूलिः -39; धूलिहृतैर्नयघ्नात्=kollam x10/39; सेनानवगूढयानैः – ( 14,34,007); अच्चवारात् – स्वच्चवारात्। Kalivasara-the staring day of the new year

Example -1

  • Kollam varsha 1199×365(matali)= 437635.00 1st result
  • 1199×10=11990, 11990/39=307 2nd result
  • 437635+307+1434007=1871949.00 kollam era mesha month result.
  • 1871949+(मासे विद्या दिनसंख्या)+(प्रचलमानमासे अभीष्टदिनसंख्या)
  • 1871949+(126)+(21)= 1,872,186 अभीष्टदिनकलिसङ्ख्या।

Finding the Khandashesha-खण्डशेष प्राप्तिः।

अभीष्टदिनकलिदिन- (सदृष्टाङ्गविहृष्टा) 1843947=खण्डशेषः।

सदृष्टाङ्गविहृष्टा कलितनन्दो बभूव भारतभूः ।

दिवसेस्मिन्  संसत् प्राग्रेखांशे अर्कोदये ध्रुवनीताः।।

                                         शुद्धदृग्गणितम् श्लो सं -3

चन्द्रगति प्राप्तिः।

दुष्टघ्नाद्दीनवृन्दान् कवनाप्तफलं विधुलवाद्यः।

                                   हंसवलब्धलवाद्यैर्देहदयोप्तर्यतः कलाद्यश्च।

 शुद्धदृग्गणितम् श्लो सं -11

Meaning –

द्युष्ट=18, कवन=41 , हंसव=178 देहदय=1888

Steps are given below-

Kandashesha based Calculation:

  • Kandashesha×18=First Result

First Result Division:

  • First Result /41=Rashi (Quotient)
  • The remainder will be used in the subsequent calculations.

Degree Calculation:

  • Remainder×30/41=Degrees

Kala Calculation:

  • Remainder×60/41=Kala

Vikala Calculation:

  • Remainder×60/41=Vikala

Example 1

Given Kandashesha=1:

  1. Calculate First Result: 1×18=18
  2. Division by 41: 18/41=0 Rashi and remainder 18 
  3. Degree Calculation: 18×30/41=13.17073170731707 Degrees
  4. Kala Calculation: 0.17073170731707×60=10.2439024390242 Kala
  5. Vikala Calculation: 0.2439024390242×60=14.634146341452 vikala

First part result: 0−13−10−14

Next, we need to calculate the additional components:

Degree: Kandashesha/178=0.0056179775280899 Degrees

Kala: Kandashesha/1888=0.00052966101694915

Summing all parts:


Example 2

  1. Given Kandashesha=28239 (6 DECEMBER 2024)
  2. Calculate First Result: 28239×18=508302
  3. Division by 41: 508302/41=12397 Rashi and remainder 1
  4. Rashi to Degree: 12397÷12=1033 quotient and remainder 1
  5. Degree Calculation: 0.60976×30=18.2928 Degrees
  6. Kala Calculation: 0.2928×60=17.568 Kala

First part result: 1−18−17−00

Next, we need to calculate the additional components:

Degree: 28239/178=158.64 Degrees=5 Rashi 8 Degrees

Kala: 28239/1888=14.95 Kala

Summing all parts:



Moon’s dhruvanka          3−8−16−55 –

Result:                                9−16−31-10

This method uses modular arithmetic and fractional division to convert the Kandashesha into the respective celestial measurements.

Reference- VKP Poduvaal- Shudhadrigganitham (Malayalam Text)-Jyothissadanam